Goolwa Aquatic Club
Goolwa Aquatic Club Memberships are due 1st September annually
Membership Forms Available from:
The Club during trading hours
GAC Web Page: www.goolwaaquaticclub.com (click the logo above)
Membership Fees (effective 1.9.24)
$60 for Adult Members 18 years and over)
$30 for Junior Members (children under 18 years)
$120 for Family Membership including children
Payment Options
Electronic Payment (PLEASE reference your name to ensure you receive your membership card)
Provide payment with your application form – post or leave at the Club
Membership entitles you to:
50% discount on GAC room hire
Discount on food GAC Food Theme nights
Receive a monthly newsletter via Email
Access to our social functions
Voting rights
Free ticket in the members raffle every Friday night
Members Card Cash Draw every Friday night
We thank all our members for their support of the Goolwa Aquatic Club.